The Enterprise Europe Network, offer a range of services to companies in Scotland , one of which is providing support to access European funding programmes. In this, our first blog entry, Anis Mourad, discusses the Eurostars Research and Development funding programme.

At the end of March this year, calls opened under a programme which is dedicated for research performing SMEs - and is reasonably close to the market. The Eurostars programme is open to all sectors, with one of the main benefits that it takes a ‘bottom-up’ approach to project generation. By that, we mean that projects can address any technological area. Projects should aim at the development of a new product, process or service.
Another bonus, in my opinion, is that the application process is a lot simpler than that of FP7 - you only need two participants from two different Eurostars member countries to be in a consortium, unlike the three participants from three countries minimum of FP7. The single-stage, online application also led to one individual saying that "an FP7 application is like doing a degree where as a Eurostars application is like doing a Standard Grade" - or GSCE depending on where you come from in the UK!
The funding rates are also quite attractive with UK participants able to receive up to 50% of of their eligible costs up to a maximum grant of 300,000 EUR. Each applicant receives funding from their own national funding body, with the total amount of funding available from each country different - in the UK the money comes from the Technology Strategy Board, in France from their equivalent organisation and so on.
Having already worked with a plethora of Scottish companies to develop proposals, find partners and review applications, we are extremely keen to see more local SMEs getting engaged in European Funding. With that said, I encourage you to investigate Eurostars further, getting in touch if you wish to develop a proposal or have any questions about the mechanics or dynamics of the programme itself.
PS: For an informal but informative insight into the programme, check out our podcast on Eurostars. It even includes a dream sequence!
For more information on Eurostars click here.
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