The race is on to find
the country’s most environmentally-aware businesses as the Vision in Business for the Environment of
Scotland Awards (VIBES) opens for the fourteenth year.
Scotland’s leading Government-backed environmental awards scheme. It aims to
recognise businesses that have improved environmental performance and its
bottom line through incorporating best practice into the management of their
operations; or through the production or supply of environmental products and
For more than a decade,
the free-to-enter awards have produced winners from across Scotland, drawn from
a range of sectors including: manufacturing; food and drink; transport; oil and
gas; environmental services and leisure.
The aim of VIBES is to recognise businesses
operating in Scotland that are trying to help make the country more
environmentally aware and that are working towards Scotland’s 2020 carbon
reduction targets.
There will be a total of ten awards
this year, including two new categories: the Hydro Nation Award and the
Circular Economy Award. Details of the award categories can be found at:
The deadline for this year’s entries
is Friday, 5 July at 5pm.
VIBES is a strategic partnership
between Energy Saving Trust, Green Business
Partnership, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Enterprise, Scottish
Environment Protection Agency, Scottish Government, Scottish Water and Zero
Waste Scotland.
For more information or
to obtain an application form for the VIBES Awards visit
Join the converstation:
Twitter: @VibesAwards